Thursday, August 06, 2009

Effective Ways to Organize a Reunion

Point a .45 caliber pistol in someone's throat. See, when GerryA threatened to back out to head the staging, well because Mr. Blue can't "carry" his weight, he was eventually led back because of JAC's warm prodding.

Get a willing accomplice. Make sure to bring a camera, you know for blackmailing purposes..Gerrox is above par when it comes to heart conspiracy theories. You may reach him for an adulterated copy of "Bacon Scandal" for a.. cup of coffee maybe..

Get a lawyer. Our very own Atty. Haile stating his facts in detail to Mons Pax how he managed to elude Fr. Douglas'...leather belt.

A reunion is not a reunion without Mr. Blue. Just look closely at that swagger look, man even Atty. Haile is caught in awe.So try to bring your own Mr. Blue,even paying up for his airfare.

Mr. Blue in action. An anecdote even told a thousand times can be as refreshing and engaging when Mr. Blue delivers them. Look at how Atty. Talde flinches in pain.

Lastly, make sure the lower batch takes an oath for everybody to see to continue the tradition. So that we continue to reminisce the halcyon days and listen to that whispers again in our ears, ora, stude et labora..See you at the gates of...(g)OLPS.


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