Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Advanced 51st Birthday Celebration of Fr. Gerry

Batch '83:

I had the good fortune of meeting up with the NY-based Sanos in Hoboken, New Jersey last June 17. We decided to celebrate Fr. Gerry Del Prado's 51st birthday, two months after he celebrated his 50th birthday( hehehe).

The gentleman on the extreme left side of the picture is Richard Montano ( in green shirt, he is the younger brother of Victor Montano who was first year when we were fourth year) of Batch '89. The guy in white with glasses is the sex symbol of Batch '83 ( hehehe). The other distinguished gentlemen in the photo are Atty Bong Sanez, of Batch '85 ( big-time lawyer at the Big Apple) wearing his usual playboy dark outfit, Fr. Gerry Del Prado Batch '82 ( hehehe) and Deedee Luzurriaga '84, who if you will remember, used to hang out with the BIs ( Bad Influencers) Perry Labayo and Ronel Magadamit of Batch '83.

Despite all the damage rendered unto him being associated with the the Nuts of Batch '83 ( hehehe), Deedee is doing very well in NY and is the IT director for North America for Burberry. On the personal side, he is a proud father of two very cute and quiet little girls.

Deedee's success story reminds me of the poster I used to see at Fr. Louie's room which showed a very tall tree growing out of a deep crevice with the caption " no matter how dark the begining is, one who strives can reach the sun" Deedee's "dark beginning" being the years having Perry and Ronel as his bosom buddies (hehehe). It tells you that the "damage" was not permanent ( hehehe).

We spent the entire time talking about the great times we had at OLPS, and the usual discussion on where certain contemporaries are. We even managed to chat with Sir Ipe Renovalles ( he and Ma'am Tess have migrated to the West Coast last May).

For those of you visiting NY, give them a call. They look forward to being visited by OLPS Alumni.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Fiesta sa Gubat

with Dennis and Ferds and Johnny Black