Boylets for Sale!
With the global economic crisis and the recent brouhaha over sex videos, some members of the Class of '83 who have fallen into hard times have thought of a new scheme to augment their income. They are selling themselves "cough!cough!" or rather their services with some unique selling propositions.
Boylet on the extreme left is also a Cardiologist. He can make your heart race, while ensuring Cardio protection during the entire "episode". Middle Boylet has a business background. He can offer various discounts depending on your capacity to pay. Third boylet, the one on the extreme right is an award winning cinematographer. There is the possibility that if he does film you in-the-act, likely you will win an award for it!
Business Boylet pinching the butt-of Award Winning Cinematographer-Boylet to demonstrate firm buttocks, a strong indicator of good performance. Remember, there is truth in advertising!
More options down here!
From left to right, Boylet number 4 can be identified ( Ivan Pura, Class of 1980). A seaman, with the proverbial girl in every port or the other way around, has lot of international experience and expectedly is more expensive ( 10 pesos per hour). Warning: He may be a bit shop-worn though ( hehehe sorry padi) given his age( hehe). Another look at Boylet no. 1, this time the inebriated version hehe. The inebriated version comes with a 5% discount for slightly diminished performance.
From left to right, Boylet number 4 can be identified ( Ivan Pura, Class of 1980). A seaman, with the proverbial girl in every port or the other way around, has lot of international experience and expectedly is more expensive ( 10 pesos per hour). Warning: He may be a bit shop-worn though ( hehehe sorry padi) given his age( hehe). Another look at Boylet no. 1, this time the inebriated version hehe. The inebriated version comes with a 5% discount for slightly diminished performance.
Finally the crown jewel of this collection, Boylet number 5 ( extreme right)... A lawyer, his services come with the guarantee of legal protection while you break the law. He is very fit, plays basketball at least twice a week, is younger than any of the earlier options ( Youngest member of Class of '83), and last but not least, already has a sex video somehere in cyberspace taken in 2003. You know what they say,there is no substitute for experience. Boylet number 5 comes with a princely price tag of 25 pesos per minute!
Boylets anyone?